A New Way for the New Year 2022

For an animated look at this character click on the Graphics below...

Wishing you a fantastic creative year ahead!

The Academy is expanding its content on Patreon. This format will be extensively developed in the coming days in a unique and significant way. It will become the central educational venue of The Animation Academy.

We have a huge archive of exceptional materials to publish. Years worth of class notes and demonstrations in all sorts of subjects exclusive to our Patreon which you'll be able to see and follow. 

The Academy's Patreon has updated subscriber levels to reflect our new direction. Very affordable artistic education by means of graphics and videos organized in categories for easy access. This will be our primary tool for sharing knowledge as we migrate away from our previous model to an alternate one.

We have a $5 monthly level for graphics based lessons, a $10 level which will include access to videos, and a $20 level which will feature a monthly live stream option.  

Content is uploaded just about every day. To get started follow this link to The Animation Academy on Patreon.See the difference this great reference material and specialized lessons will make with your art!

Thank you and Keep Creating !!

Contact By Phone

Hello! If you'd like to contact the Academy by phone kindly leave a voicemail. Robocalls and telemarketers have been a difficult and disruptive issue for a long time. Increasingly we rely on voicemail to verbally communicate. If you'd like to speak by phone please leave a message and your call will be returned. You can find the Academy's number by clicking here. Thank you!

Deciding Upon Your Creative Direction

Many times when students start classes they're curious of the direction they'd like to go in regarding their creative specialty in animation. The field consists of several professional disciplines and career paths. It's a good idea to research the production process and get a feel for the direction you'd like to go in with your art. Character Design, Background Design, Visual Development, Prop and Vehicle Design, Storyboards, all make up the area called Pre-Production. This would also include Modeling and Rigging for CG Animation. Character / Scene Layout and then Animation would constitute Production. The Animation Academy specializes in all areas of Pre-Production except for CG Modeling and Rigging. We also train in the basics of Character Animation and in the Authoring of Character Based Intellectual Properties for publication on Social Media.

Looking Forward to a Creative and Eventful 2021

As we enter the New Year there's lots of activity at the Academy. Some big changes are in the works. In the meantime you're welcome to get in touch and arrange for your enrollment. We'll be starting with new sessions in February 2021. They'll be online so no matter where you are as long as you have a good internet connection you can participate in our program. Thanks for a significant and memorable 2020. We're very much looking forward to the future and all the positive things ahead for those that Keep Creating. :) 

New Features and System

Since the transition this past spring from onsite classes to online sessions our program is even better than before. A comprehensive digital record is maintained of a student's assignments and artistic progress along with instructor's notations. We also host a weekly Zoom session where our students can meet while industry topics and creative trends are discussed.

The Animation Academy is a vocational training program specializing in character based intellectual property development, production design basics and animation fundamentals with many years of experience in educating some of the top professional artists in the field. 

If you're looking to enroll please have samples of your work ready for review. Drawings from your imagination are preferable. We accept high school age students and would consider middle school students if they're serious about their art and have samples available for review.

Classes are conducted one on one through Skype. For more info please click here.

Book in advance

If you'd like to enroll with us please contact the Academy early and arrange for your creative review. Once you've been cleared for classes we can schedule your sessions in advance.

Currently we're at capacity with our online program and are adding extra time slots for incoming students. We're conducting classes in Character Design 1 and 2, Background Design, Visual Development and Character Animation Basics. Our classes are one on one through Skype with group sessions once a week on Zoom.

Our program is geared towards Character Based Intellectual Property Development through a fundamentals regimen that is production oriented and addresses emerging trends in animation and related fields. Vocational Training geared towards personal creative growth and building a foundation for your future success.

Thank you, good luck and Keep Creating !!

Jacob Lipman's Color Analysis for Cartoons

This video by one of our stellar students helps describe the color theory behind animated content in ways that we normally wouldn't think of. Jacob Lipman produces videos that are zany, educational and enlightening. Check out his latest...

Zoom Sessions - Successful Alpha Test

Happy to report that we've had a very successful alpha test / first session live on Zoom. We're in the process of developing our program to accommodate group sessions using Zoom in addition to our one on one sessions on Skype. Soon we'll be working with students in an exciting new way as we continue to expand upon our online systems. 

Online Class Update

As of this writing we're able to offer both levels of our Character Design class and both levels of Visual Development online. We're adding to our instructor base and are able to meet the expanded demand for online sessions. Currently our classes are one on one through Skype. We plan on expanding into group sessions sometime soon. Our classes are excellent and our instructors are dedicated to the creative growth of our students. For more information follow this link. For enrollment info click here.
